Way back when (I can’t believe the month is over already!), I posted this to help me keep track of my goals and have you guys hold me accountable 🙂 So how did I do?

  • Make sure every bit of painting is done in the nursery and get all the extra stuff cleaned out of it. This includes starting to go through the closet (the only part we really haven’t tackled!) and donating anything we don’t need.
    • Well, yes and no. We finished the painting and got a lot of the extra stuff out. But we haven’t touched the closet at all. I can’t wait to get it cleaned out so we can hang up some of the clothes we have so far 🙂
  • Get the curtains done for the nursery. I think you guys are really going to like this project, especially because it’s pretty layered and involved.
    • Again, only half way there. I have the under curtains up, but I haven’t gotten the other curtains yet. All in good time.
  • Shampoo all the carpets.
    • Where DID my Spring Break go? I didn’t even attempt this. Of course, it should probably wait until Jason is done with classes so he can move the furniture around. I’m not exactly allowed to do that.
  • Finish the mailbox. Yes, I still haven’t done this. That is my goal for tomorrow!
  • Go through all my stuff in the office and donate anything I don’t need. Try to cut down the clutter!
    • I kind of did this, but it needs to get better. Still working on decluttering.
  • Purchase and paint letters for Baby H’s name to hang on the nursery wall. Only 10 more days (hopefully) until we find out what to call our newest family member!
  • Finish my grandmother’s picture quilt. I’ve had it half done for months (thank you, morning sickness) and I think she might want her Christmas present soon :-)This is one of my spring break projects.
    • Good thing my grandmother doesn’t read my blog. And good thing grad school is over this week and teaching is over in 4 weeks.
  • Start priming all the trim in the main room. This is going to take AWHILE as there is a lot of it! I don’t expect the trim painting project to be finished until June-ish.
    • Well, we haven’t started this one yet. We’re trying to decide if it’s worth it to paint all of it, or if we should just replace the trim.
  • Hang up our collage of wedding pictures. I don’t want them hiding in a box forever!
    • Didn’t start this one yet because we are working on rearranging our dining room. Once we decide where they will hang, then I’ll put up the collage.
  • Price out materials and draw up plans for the deck we’re planning to build this summer.
    • We’ve got most of the materials! I’ll post our plans up soon and we’ll start working on all the prep stuff in the next few weeks.

Well, not as much done as I’d have hoped, but there is always May!

One response to “April Goals: How’d I do?”

  1. Ashley M Avatar
    Ashley M

    this is me holding you accountable:

    1) you got the room done, which is great. but you still left the closet… this will come out to an =. neither good nor bad. this may will be tremendously chock-full for you so i don’t expect results until early-to mid-june for you.

    2) under curtains are good! not finishing is not… another neutral =. again, maybe after grad school is out you will be able to hang the others… but if you haven’t found ones you like yet, that’s ok too.

    3) shampooing the carpets: wow, slacking on your pimping! the amanda that kicked my ass to finish my homework in a timely manner would not approve, lol. but you can’t do heavy lifting, so you have to wait for a more convenient time for you and jason. i’ll give that one an =.


    5) decluttering is hard. i’ve been spending 21 years trying to get rid of clutter… so to have accomplished anything with your busy schedule deserves a +.

    6) painting and lettering? check. + for you!

    7) oooh, picture quilt. your baby will have his first easter pictures in the little slots by the time you’re done! that means a — but please try to do a little on weekends!! i want to learn how to quilt and i think i’d love to see a tutorial about this later on.

    8) priming and trim work: since you haven’t decided either way on that, we’ll call it an =.

    9) mmm, no wedding collage? that’s a — but you did undertake another project in its stead, which is a +. evens out to just an =. don’t forget to post pictures of the reformed dining area!

    10) deck plans are coming along nicely! as always, please keep your loyal readership updated. that will be a +, especially once the nice weather comes in (i heard KY is getting a lot of rain!) and you can start construction.

    so let’s see… 5 =, 4+ and 1 — comes up to be a positive overall. your home improvement projects are coming along just fine!! can’t wait to see what’s in store for this summer =]

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